Lately L.S. is at work an awful lot. She leaves early and come home late. You know what that means, right? Yup, poor me neglected.
I got into a real cranky mood few mornings ago. I was so mad that I pulled out one of her plants from the pot. Hey, we doggies need to let off steam too, don't we? I'm actually quite a good girl nowadays as I leave the plants alone, especially ever since L.S. stopped bringing home potted roses. Yeah...both of us are crazy over roses. While she loves to admire them, I'd just go right ahead and pull them out. Right, that's another story altogether.
Back to that morning. She came out from her room after I was done landscaping the floor with leaves and soil. I thought I did a pretty good job but she wasn't impressed. She went "Who did that?!!!" and muttered something about grilling hotdogs. Guess she must have finally realised how bad she has been and going to make me some sausages. Yumm...yumm...
Me waiting for the sausages
Still waiting...
I waited quite a bit but nothing. Sigh...