Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday


Does it sound crazy to say that I'm thankful for a break of monotony of the smell in my house? On normal days the place smell mostly of cleaning agents, vinegar and dettol. No, I'm not living in a hospital LOL. But I do live with a dog.

Recently I attempted to bake a cake. I was really relieved that I didn't produce some blocks of unidentified and inedible objects. The cake wasn't much to shout about but the smell of baking was something else!

You know how certain scents evoke certain memories... The smell of baking cake wafting in the air brought me back momentary in time to those happy moments of my childhood. The times we used to gather around in the kitchen, talking and laughing as we watch mom bake. Although moments like this were long gone, but the memories are enough to warm my heart all over again. I'm thankful for God's gift of our sense of smell.

A Happy Dog on Thursday:

I'm thankful for my sense of smell too. The nose knows... To a dog, the whole world is a smell! It updates us constantly on all that is happening around us, alerts us to the presence of food (very important), help check peemails, acts as GPS...the list is quite endless, isn't it?

Don't worry LS, we're not lost.

Just give me a sec to consult my GPS

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers now!

What are you thankful for?

Click here for more on:
Thankful Thursday
Dogs on Thursday


Unknown said...

Wow, Happy - you've got GPS in your nose? You're a high-tech doggie! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

LAURIE said...

What a great Thankful Thursday post! Baking always smells good around our rare as that is, the problem is the smell of chocolate or apple pie always disappears before too long, But it is my prayer that the sweet smell of Christ is always lingering with us! -Happy TT!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm thankful the other dog was gone from the SPCA when Mom went in on 8/19/06 so she fell fur me instead!


The Daily Pip said...

I am thankful for all my doggie bloggie friends AND my wonderful family!

Your pal, Pip

Denise said...

I love this thankul post, and I love you both.

Mack said...

What a pretty harness you have!
We are thankful for so much!!


Sonic said...

Humans never know what we can do with our noses. We can smell food, fear, and even the future!


Karen said...

Love your reflection on the scent of memories...I know I treasure mine....

Thor and Jack said...

Too cool we have GPS on your noses!Great post!

Lorenza said...

It is pawesome to have good memories from your childhood!
Of course the nose knows!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs

Mylene said...

I haven't baked a cake yet! So I should congratulate you for a job well done :)

parlance said...

Yep, that doggie GPS is amazing. Penny can locate a piece of dropped chicken or hamburger from an immense distance.

I'm thankful for our human sense of smell, as you are. It can bring up some wonderful memories. One of my memories is of waking in the morning in a canvas tent at the beach and smelling the hot sun on the canvas.

And thanks for the award!!

Jocelyn said...

I know exactly what you mean. LOL. I want some cake! =)

Joshlin said...

The smell of a backed cake is one of the greatest smells ever! I love to bake and so never really have to burn candles. The smell of cut grass is the next best smell! Happy Thankful Thursday! Have a blessed day!

Bobby said...

The cakes look good to me, it is good we have a strong smell.

Vivian said...

The nose knows for sure! I hope Happy got some of that delicious looking cake too.

Eric said...

Wooo!! Thank you for the award Happy! I love the smell of baking too...I'm sure I got a doglightful wiff of LS' cake...did you get a wiff of ours yesterday..Chocolate Courgette Cake? Do you know Happy not even a crumb for me so far but I'm hopeful....

Happy weekend to you both.

Wiry love Eric xx

Peggy said...

THEIR HUMOR, TOO! Gives me some good chuckles to read over here.

Hoping you are enJOYing a fabulous weekend! Blessings to you both!

You are so right about the sense of smell associated to memories! What kind of cake are smelling?

I'm still laughing... at Happy's!
Chimi & Bravo agree sadly with the
p...mail... I can't even open a wrapper without immediately visitors surrounding me. Every free dog in the street gets our interest over here...and sets off the chorus of barking...

I'm thankful the the gentle rains instead of the flooding ones to wash away those P reminders!

I'm thankful for you LS and the laugh that you give me, Happy!
Like your lilac harness too! Looks like fall is happening around you!
Or were you naughty again in LS plants.

Love & (((hug)))
Wags & sniff...Chimi, Bravo, Chiqui & Toby (the rest are in MN)