Hosted by Iris
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot" Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
We hope everyone is having a thankful time this week.
Hosted by Iris
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot" Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
We hope everyone is having a thankful time this week.
Hey LS, now I know all your dark secrets hahaha...
We would like to pass it on to : Amber, Chef, Coco, Eric, Mack, Hershey & Kaci, & Rusty.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
This week I'm thankful for some sunshine, even if it's just for a day. The weather has been rather wet lately, so that has been rather hard on my laundry. After re-doing the same loads of laundry for the 3rd time in a row, I started talking to myself. Ok, muttering was more like it LOL! I distinctively remembered asking for just half a day of sunshine, that's all. But I received more than that. A full day of sunshine and strong breeze throughout the whole day! Yes, my laundry was happily basking in the hot sun and strong breeze. Nothing beats the smell of sun crisp laundry, don't you think?
I'm thankful for some sunshine too! Although I'd very much prefer cooler weather...especially in our hot tropical climate...and I'm all hair...I'm thankful I get to go for my walk, even if it's a short one. We doggies certainly live for our walks, don't we?
Our dear friend Denise, has given us a lovely award! Thank you so much, Denise! We are truly honoured and blessed to have your friendship too!
As this is an Autumn Friends Award, we would like to pass this on to all our friends. We would've liked to list everyone's name here but that would make this a very long post. So, we'll be very happy if everyone do the honour of accepting it. Thank you for being our friend!
I did remember my family telling me that one funny lady was stalking them and followed them home. When I heard that, I didn't go near her. I know I wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.
Few days later I was told that I'd have a new home with this funny lady. I was told to be on my best behaviour. It was really hard, especially when I get to go on a car ride with her. I was trembling from all the controlled excitement. Still, I managed to behave.
The first evening was a bit strange. The lady kept repeating the word "Happy" to me. Yes, I know she's happy to have me. But was there any need to repeat it the whole night?
It only dawned on me the next day that my new name's Happy. She changed my name. Do you always have your name now?
And, I found that being on my best behaviour was tiring and boring. So I decided that I'd be better off being my true self. We should always be ourselves, shouldn't we?
Life with LS isn't always an endless bowl of yummy treats and snacks, but I'm happy where I am.
Oops, what a long post! Hope everyone is still awake at this point heh...
We must be quick to forgive because harboring unforgiveness in our hearts can be compared to drinking poison and hoping the other person dies from that poison.
We hurt ourselves more than anyone else when we refuse to forgive those who have hurt or done something wrong against us.
Be encouraged to have a forgiving heart knowing that you will benefit far more by forgiving than you ever can by holding a grudge in your heart.
I'm also thankful for Happy. I've certainly learned a lot about forgiving from her many a times. It's amazing how our pets do not hold grudges against us and continue to love us the way we are. We have a lot to learn from them.
Today marks the 6th year since Happy came into my life. I'm truly thankful for this furry bundle of joy.
Here's a little note to :
Moco's Grammie : Thank you for Joe Stain's mommy's blog ! Joe Stain is so lucky to have such a wonderful mommy that can cook so well! Now I hope LS will finally pick up some cooking skills. I am getting rather tired of my kibbles.
Chris : Oh Rosie did all that? I'm impressed!
Gus, Louie & Callie : That's a great recipe idea! Don't think LS can do much damage with Prego, burger and pasta, can she?
Noah : Thanks for the additional recipe with chilli and pine nuts! LS said she'll try it out if she can get pine nuts here.
Daisy & Sherry : Thank you for making me Dog of the Day! So honoured and happy to know you!
Chef : Err...don't think you should gulp down lots of olive oil at one go. It might upset your tummy there. You might want to try adding a little olive oil or fish oil into your food. Fish oil is supposedly good for our hair.
Redbabe : You can apply olive oil on its own all over the hair. But it can be rather messy though. LS usually mix it with the conditioner and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing them out. It takes a while before you'll see the result.
Huskee Boy : We're sad too eventhough we never get the chance to know T-Man. LS said that's the way life is. We just have to be appreciative and thankful for our life no matter how hard it is at times. Hope you are feeling better *hugs to you*
Hope everyone is having a good week so far!